
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Lunge with rotation (dynamic warm-up)

Another great exercise you can add to your dynamic warm-up is the forward lunge with rotation. This exercise primary targets the abs, hips, and legs - thighs and builds lower body strength and core stability.


  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Step forward with the right leg to initiate the lunge.
  2. Maintain an upright posture while bending the right knee 90 degrees. Do not allow your right knee to pass in front of your toes, and your left knee should not touch the ground.
  3. While in this lunge position, lean forward slightly at your hips. Keep the abdominals braced to stabilize the spine and rotate your torso to the right. While still in the lunge, rotate back to center. 
  4. Firmly plant the right foot into the ground and pull your body weight forward. As you bring yourself to an upright position and begin to center your weight over the right leg, bring the left leg off the ground and slowly swing it forward to initiate the next lunge.
  5. Continue the walking lunge with rotation for a specific number of repetitions or a certain distance.
For a more challenging exercise put your arms in the streamline position.

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