
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Roll out (TRX for swimmers)

Have you ever tried TRX suspension trainer to enhance your swimmers strength? Well, I have to tell you that you'll notice that your swimmers will become stronger and leaner in a way that free weights and weight machines cannot do. Today I'm going to show you a great exercise (it's a basic exercise if you are familiar with the TRX), that targets the abdominal and core stabilization muscles. This exercise is called roll out.
To perform this exercise, you have to adjust the TRX to mid length and stand facing away from the anchor point. Extend your arms out straight in line with your shoulders and lean slightly forward into the TRX and rise up onto the balls of your feet. Slowly drive your arms up and overhead until you feel your core and glutes engage and the return to the starting position, keeping your arms straight and maintaining good body alignment. A great tip to keep your core engaged is to tuck your tailbone in and pull your navel toward your spine.

If you want something more challenging you can try the kneeling roll out. It's the same exercise but this time you are on your knees. That means that you'll have to adjust the length of the TRX to mid calf length (you can do that by adjusting the TRX so that the bottom of the foot cradles are at mid calf length). An even more challenging version of this exersice is the kneeling roll out but this time facing the anchor point. 

In the video below we're performing the standing roll out but not the other two and more advanced versions of this exercise.

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