
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Exercise in the water helps for stress relief

Exercise in the water can help in a number of ways. It can help people to begin to restore their lost functionality and improve their sleeping patterns. Furthermore, during exercise in the water endorphins - a natural painkiller and mood lifting substances - are released and can be very helpful in relieving from depression. People who started an aqua aerobic program lost weight and have raised their pain threshold, meaning that they were more able to tolerate pain.

The cardiovascular training involved with aerobic exercise has been shown to significantly reduce the degree of pain and stiffness experienced by sufferers. Also, when the exercise is done in a neck depth pool it increases the cardiac output by 32% at rest. Therefore water exercise is aerobically efficient. Some experts believe that it may be the ideal cardiovascular conditioning medium. Another benefit that comes with exercising in the water is that it makes the body weightless and so any form of swimming or aerobic activity greatly benefits people with painful muscles and joints. This non impact form of exercise takes all of the strain off the joints meaning that for a time they don't have to bear the weight of the body. This is perfect for people who suffer from fibromyalgia, with very tender body areas who get excruciating waves of pain with every jolt.

In addition to the standard benefits of any exercise, the use of water in aqua aerobics supports the body and reduces the risk of muscle or joint injury. The mitigation of gravity by flotation stretching can allow a greater range of motion. It also makes aqua aerobics safe for any individual that is able to keep their head out of the water. Exercise in the water can also prevent overheating through continuous cooling the body. 

If done correctly low impact aqua aerobics can be very beneficial. They will help your body burn calories and help you to lose weight and feel better. They are much easier to perform and help to improve cardiovascular muscles. Exercising in the water at a chest deep water will really help your muscles to strengthen and be more flexible. The resistance that the water provides helps out in this area but does not put  pressure on your body that can cause you to become sore.

Image outsource [1]

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