
Monday, December 3, 2012

Standing hip drop (TRX for swimmers)

Today's post is about a TRX exercise that will help you strengthen your obliques and increase your hip mobility, while you'll be placing great demands on core stabilization. This exercise is called standing roll out. 

To set up your TRX you should fully lengthened it in single hand mode. When you're done with the set up, stand sideways to the anchor point. Now, there are two different ways you can place your feet. The first one (the one you'll see on the video) is to place one foot next to the other.
The second type of feet placement is to put your inside foot forward and align your feet. Hold the handles on top of your head with both hands and bend your elbows. Lean away from the anchor point, placing tension on TRX and then drop slowly your hips towards the floor. Try to move through a comfortable, slow and controlled range of motion. Finally, return your hips to the starting position by contracting your core muscles. Try to keep your chest and hips facing the same direction to keep from twisting out of alignment.

To increase the difficulty of the this exercise, just use a steeper angle and increase your movement speed. 

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