
Monday, February 18, 2013

Warm up phase in aqua class (deep water)

The warm up phase in a deep water class must accomplish two things. Participants not only have to make a body temperature adjustment to the colder temperature of the water, as in a shallow water class, but they also have to adjust to the unstable environment in deep water. An upright posture is important to maintain the spine in neutral alignment so that all the exercises can be performed safely. Good posture, however, is not automatic in deep water. Begin the warm up with a vigorous, short-lever move, such as knee high jog, while offering postural cues to help participants achieve neutral alignment. Teach them how to scull, which will help them stabilize. As they begin to feel more comfortable, you can begin to increase their heart rates in preparation for the work out. The entire warm up should take between 5 and 10 minutes.

One way to warm up is to jog in place for two to three minutes; then scull with other short lever leg moves such as straddle jog or flutter kick. Add moves that recruit the core, such as jacks tuck or a seated kick, to help participants maintain balance and alignment. Finally, add longer-lever moves. If your participants are more experienced, they can warm up by jogging with various arm moves. You can use the warm up to introduce moves that may be new to them.

Image source: [1]

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